Sport and Recreation Facility

Image provided by Lane Cove Council.

On 29 September this year Councillors voted 8-1 to adopt, for community consultation, a Concept Plan for an 8 court (4 indoor, 4 outdoor) Sport and Recreation facility on the golf course site.

The quantity surveyor’s estimate of the project cost is $75 million.

I acknowledge that there is a need to provide indoor sporting facilities for the growing populations of Lane Cove and other LGAs. The proposed plans for the development are exciting and I understand the anticipation that must be felt by sporting groups in our catchment area.

I was, however, unable to support the motion in September for the following reasons:

·       the facility is car-oriented – it is not in a location well served by public transport

·       the cycle and pedestrian access on River Road from south and north is narrow, in some spots, worryingly so – I would like to see detail of improved access and costings to ensure that cycle and pedestrian access is delivered as part of the project

·       bus services along River Road are very limited and I am seeking clarification around how Council can secure bus services at times of peak demand – after 5 pm and on weekends

·       when the carpark is full, where will overflow cars park? River Road is not an easy road to cross

·       the community will lose the flexible community spaces of the current golf club house – I am unclear as to how the proposed new spaces can meet the community needs now met by the clubhouse.

 But please have a look at the plans for yourself and let Council have your comments.

This is important as Councillors will vote at the 27 October meeting on whether to prepare and submit a Development Application to the Sydney North Planning Panel. If this happens, there will be a further round of community consultation (with detailed reports) before the Panel makes its determination.

Submissions on this concept plan are due 14 October 2022.


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