Community update October 2022

After a delay of one year and 3 months in local government elections, new and returning Councillors came to office in January 2022 brimming within initiatives for what will be a short term in office.

From the start, business papers were full – many new proposals from elected Councillors on top of a significant number of projects and actions that were in the pipeline before January this year.


Improved community engagement and information access a key theme

A key theme of the current Council is improvement in our community engagement and a review of our digital and other communication channels to enhance confidence in the transparency of Council processes and to make access to information easy and comprehensive.

A big undertaking but we expect to have a lot to report on this front by November this year. 


The challenges of ongoing development, particularly in East Ward

Meanwhile, the development train pushes on relentlessly and it is almost impossible to keep up with what is happening in the apparent epicentre of this development – East Ward.

An overview of current planned developments in East Ward

Many of these projects have passed the approval or determination stage and are now under construction.

We are receiving a large number of complaints about what is happening on construction sites and the increasing level of frustration when it comes to getting action on apparent breaches of development approvals.

With many large projects likely to be underway along River Road in the next five years, we need to provide our community with clear guidance about who to call when trucks are parking across drive ways, when sediment is flowing down the hill onto the property behind, all the problems coming out of living near a construction site.

Please keep your comments, submissions and feedback coming, and remember all all Councillors when you do -

 Here are projects with looming deadlines which I encourage you to look at:

Concept Plan for Council’s Sport and Recreation Facility SUBMISSIONS DUE BY 14 OCTOBER

Greenwich Hospital Re-development     SUBMISSIONS DUE BY 27 OCTOBER 2022

My email address is or please call me on 0412 361 331.

Authorised by Meredith Southwood, 17 Mitchell Street, Greenwich, NSW 2065


It’s important to set the record straight on the Village Observer March 2023 edition


Greenwich Hospital Re-development – release of Detailed Design