My priorities as Councillor

When electing Councillors to represent them, community members should be confident that community views will be listened to and respected.

Transparency of Council decision making

  • Councillors need information to make informed decisions

  • Return the public forum to Council meetings

  • Bring community into discussion early

  • Community takes consultation seriously – so should Council

Finish current projects, then take stock and look after the assets we have

  • Complete the Sport and Recreation and Bob Campbell Oval projects

  • Find a way to acquire properties for St Leonards South park

  • Maintain our assets – don’t create a burden for future rate payers

Share what we have

  • Grassed open space is precious – it must be shared

  • Explore how Council (not just developers) can ease the housing shortage

Connect our communities

  • Delivery of our Bike Plan and footpaths – River Road is urgent

  • Advocate for those who rely on public transport

  • Support more local neighbourhood activities and events

Acknowledge that major developments impact residents

  • Meaningful engagement with impacted residents

  • Traffic congestion in St Leonards must be addressed

Impacts on environment to underpin all decisions

  • Protect our bushland and waterways from sediment run-off

  • Increased funding for bushland management

  • Major drive to achieve our emissions reduction targets

Authorised by Eric Southwood, 17 Mitchell St, Greenwich NSW 2065


An update on some major Council works