Informed Councillors, informed community

After over 30 years in this special part of the world and active involvement in community activities, I decided to stand for Council in 2021.

I was confident that I understood the priorities of the members of my community, that I ‘got’ what was important to them.

And I was confident that I had the skills to perform the important role of Councillor.

I was fortunate to be elected as an East Ward Councillor.

And the learning curve began.

One of first things I did was to undertake the UTS Executive Certificate for Elected Members course. This course provided insight into the legal and governance framework under which local government operates and offered the chance to hear from other Councillors about how their own Councils function.

But it is the less ‘formal’ learning that I have found so rewarding during my time on Council.

I have learned so much from my fellow Councillors and from my community - about the need to think carefully about the environmental impacts of all we do, to re-purpose rather than throw away, to protect our bushland habitats and waterways, the importance of open space and the importance of social cohesion.

So, coming to the end of my first term on Council, here are my takeaways in terms of community expectations of their Councillors-

  • Our community members look to their Councillors for information about Council matters and expect them to represent their interests. 

  • They have a great deal to offer in terms of technical skills and local knowledge and the outcomes of Council’s projects will benefit from bringing our community into planning early.

  • Our community members put a lot of effort into submissions and want to be confident that the value of their input is recognised and fully considered by Council.

  • They expect a high level of transparency in Council processes and expect Councillors to explain and be accountable for Council decisions.

  • And they expect that Councillors will do all they need to do to be fully informed before they make decisions.

These expectations align with my view of a Councillor’s responsibilities to their community.

Authorised by Meredith Southwood, 17 Mitchell Street, Greenwich, NSW 2065


Dogs in Lane Cove - Shared Open Spaces


Candidates declared and ballots drawn