Bus changes and the impact on East Ward

The Crows Nest Metro opening has been delayed but the bus route changes planned around the opening have gone ahead.

East Ward residents have been particularly impacted by the changes.

The old 265 from Greenwich Wharf has been replaced by the 267 which heads straight up Greenwich Road to St Leonards Station.

The 265 bus link from Greenwich Wharf to Lane Cove via Osborne Park has gone.

Residents who have relied on the 265 to maintain their links to Lane Cove village or Greenwich village (and the wharf when it re-opens) are now faced with having to hop off at a bus stop somewhere along Greenwich Road, cross the road and wait for a connection back to Lane Cove or Greenwich.

The new service has only been in operation for 3 days but I am already receiving complaints.

If you, or others you know, are impacted by the 265 or other route change please complete Council’s survey https://haveyoursay.lanecove.nsw.gov.au/bus-service-disruptions

And please drop me a note to let me know how the changes are impacting you: merriforlanecove@gmail.com

Authorised by Meredith Southwood, 17 Mitchell Street, Greenwich, NSW 2065


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