Bob Campbell Oval - a space for us all

Bob Campbell Oval, where another flawed consultation process has opened the door to unwarranted development.

For me, the Bob Campbell Oval (BCO) proposal has been the saddest and most divisive issue that I have experienced in my over 30 years in Greenwich.

Many of our community members feel passionately about the future of Bob Campbell (or Gore Creek) Oval. BCO is a beautiful, tranquil, natural space. As a community of multiple stakeholders, we have shared use of this space for as long as I can remember.

We have not needed synthetic surfaces, boundary fences and designated areas to ensure that all members of the community can enjoy what BCO has to offer.

There is no need to turn BCO into what will be, effectively, a sporting field to be enjoyed to the exclusion of other users. And there is no need to cover a vast, environmentally sensitive space in plastic.

The Minister for Planning has, himself, acknowledged that there are concerns about synthetic turf sufficient to call on the NSW Chief Scientist to investigate the environmental impacts of synthetic turf.

Lane Cove Council has received a significant NSW Government grant of $3.62 million to develop BCO.

It is not tied to a synthetic ground – the Minister for Planning has confirmed that Council can apply to vary the terms of the generous grant.

If I am elected to Council my first objective will be to secure cancellation of the current BCO Master Plan and to work with the community to develop a plan for a natural grass surface at BCO that will address the needs of sporting teams, whilst preserving the flexibility of use of the oval and the rest of Gore Creek Reserve for all community members.


Clear, accessible communication is a priority


A failure of consultation